“Pilot” – The Crazy Ones

Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 11.36.24 AMWe had high hopes for the premiere of The Crazy Ones. We love Robin Williams. And we’ve been hoping for something worthwhile to grab Sarah Michelle Gellar up since Buffy came to an end. This might be just the ticket. We’ve long appreciated her comedic chops (her classic comic timing always shone through on Buffy, giving an otherwise dark character moments of light) and this is the perfect exercise to allow her to stretch those funny muscles. The Crazy Ones also looked exactly like the comedy we needed – smart, witty, and not aiming for the lowest common denominator.

And we weren’t disappointed on any front. Although the humor does, sometimes, turn a little base – Zach (James Wolk, Mad Men) seems to exist purely to be the instigator and butt of jokes about sex – it never feels like it’s reaching. It never feels like the writers will do absolutely anything to make absolutely everyone laugh. They don’t mind if you don’t get it, or if it doesn’t appeal. They know they’re funny. Though it’s hard to imagine a person who wouldn’t be drawn in by Williams’ trademark impressions and off-the-cuff, scattershot humor.

Also working in the show’s favor is its heart. First and foremost, the writers seem to be working on an almost Sorkin-esque level of inspirational speeches. ‘Greater things’ already seems to be the watchword of the show (the title of which, The Crazy Ones, refers to the famous Apple commercial of the late 90s) but, obviously, at this early juncture it’s hard to tell if that will be an ongoing theme of the show or was just this episode. In addition, the central relationship between Gellar’s Sydney Roberts and her father, Simon (Robin Williams), is instantly tight and sweet. There’s no conflict there, or, at least, nothing serious. They clash a little in work styles, but Continue reading